So our house sitting job in Powassan comes to end this Friday and we’re anxious to get back on the road. Just the other night Dave was saying he misses the ocean and I agree 100%!
House sitting here for 2 and half months turned out to be the perfect opportunity for us to tie up all our loose ends. Finished fixing up the new trailer, sold our old trailer in August and someone finally bought our red truck at the beginning of October. Dave also got his motorcycle license last Wednesday, only 4 days before his M2 expired. What can I say, he works better under pressure!
September here sucked, to say the least. Rained almost every day, maybe only a weeks worth of sunny days in the entire month. Guess it was payback for such great weather in August. Thankfully, once October arrived, the sun returned and it’s been gorgeous. Some days it even warmed up to almost 20C.
Fall colours here were beautiful, but they’re almost over now. I think by the end of this week, most of the leaves will have fallen off the trees. With any luck, there will still be lots of beautiful fall scenery as we head down to the south eastern states.
Wait a minute, didn’t we tell you before that we planned to go to the south western states this trip? Yeah, that was the plan, but plans change. We made arrangements to go back and house sit in Costa Rica starting on Jan 20th to the end of Feb. Yup, this will be the 3rd time for the same people. After researching flights from the west to Costa Rica we came to the conclusion that it was worth flying out of Orlando again because the flights are just that much cheaper. Plus, the arrangements we made last year to store the truck and trailer and get back & forth from the airport worked out so well, it was a no brainer to repeat all that again. In fact, it’s already all arranged!
But we’re going to get to Florida via a slightly different route....this time we want to check out the fall colours and the hiking in the Smokey mountains in Tennessee before we get there. Apparently October is their busiest month so we’re hoping we don’t have any problems finding places to stay. I’m sure it’ll all work out.
When we get back from Costa Rica, the plan, for now anyways, is to head to the south west. We’ll see how far we get before we have to get back to Ontario.
So, until we have some new experiences and places to share, here’s a few pictures of fall in Northern Ontario. Enjoy!