Trip #6 - Quebec city, Maine, winter in SC

Finally got back on the road in September 2017 after a 4 year break from travelling. During our hiatus we renovated two houses and went back to work for about a year and a half.

We had hoped to travel in eastern Canada during the summer of 2017 in our truck camper and trailer but our late start prevented that. We got as far east as Levi, QC which is just across the St. Lawrence river from Quebec City. Finally got to tour around both Montreal and Quebec City (firsts for me) and did lots of biking. Quebec has the most amazing bike trail system.

Headed south into Maine early October and stayed just outside of Bangor. While there got to see Stephen King’s house and had the most amazing seafood dinner which of course included a 1lb main lobster. Delicious!

All the RV parks in the north east states close by mid October so we drove for 3 days and stayed in hotels for 3 nights until we got far enough south to camp again. 

Spent the winter in South Carolina, most of it in Huntington Beach State park where we hoped to do lots of fishing. Fished lots, caught barely anything. It was an extremely cold winter, figures, and eventually the water got so cold fish were dying and we stopped fishing all together. Moved a bit further south in February to stay at Hunting Island State park where the fishing also sucked. Water still too cold but at least there was plenty of beach to walk and lots of Sand dollars to collect. 

Headed back home at the end of March and house sat in Grand Bend in April, Oakville in July and Milton in September

Interested in the details of this trip, here’s the Blog and pics
