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While we’ve been truckless we’ve been fishing, eating lots of crawfish and Dave went shrimping. Here’s some of those pics and some from around POC. Check out the BLOG!

What made it even better was the catching that day. We caught 2 fish each and these are our big ones. Dave’s is a 25” trout, mine is a 24” redfish.

To top off a great day, the owners of the RV park we’re staying at had decided to have a crawfish boil that night.

We volunteered to help set up the tables and chairs at the first annual Crawfishfest in town. They’re hoping 300-400 people attend.

When we came back at noon, the place was packed. We’re guessing that there were close to 1,000 people here.

They had about 10 entrants in the crawfish cooking contest and each of these groups handed out good size samples for everyone to try. For those of us who love crawfish, this was heaven.

In addition to the samples, a vendor from New Orleans was also selling 3lb plates of crawfish & corn & potatoes for $20/each. Volunteers got the meal for free and as you can see, it’s a lot of crawfish!

What a great idea…Winery on Wheels! Very popular vendor, especially after they ran out of beer at 2pm. 57 Cases of beer wasn’t nearly enough for thirsty, crawfish eatin’ Texans!

Oh yeah, some how Dave got volunteered to be a judge in the wildcard category…that’s tasting a variety of different dishes with crawfish as the main ingredient. This looks like some sort of gumbo.

View of the ocean front location. Proceeds from the fest are going to be used to build a big beach front pavilion here. Apparently they made about $10,000, pretty darn good!

Of course there was a crawfish eating contest….they had to get all the meat out of the tail and suck the head (yuck!)

Momma duck and her 11 babies on May 4….unfortunately only 5 have survived as of May 16. They’ve been the only ones lucky enough to avoid seagulls, turtles, catfish and possums.

The RV park owners also own this shrimp boat. Recently painted and cleaned, it won’t look this good for long. Sun, salt and water quickly take toll.

On May 10th, very early in the morning (he left at 4:15am) Dave went shrimping with Doug. Where the shrimp boats go, so do the 100s of birds.

Unfortunately it’s not all shrimp…there’s lots of skinny little ribbon fish which have to be sorted out. Normally he keeps them for bait but they’re too small for that.

They’re building this sand sculpture at the Port O’Connor community centre as part of the Wounded Warriors celebration here on May 18

Impressive isn’t it? I’ll have more pictures of the completed sculpture and the even early next week.

Two of the many “love bugs” that seem to be everywhere here right now. No idea what they’re technically called but there’s always 2 together, thus the name :-)