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This town is located on the Gulf coast, between Galveston and Corpus Christi and is commonly referred to as a hidden jewel. It’s small, just over 1,000 people live here year round but it’s an extremely popular sport fishing destination. We like it’s laid back vibe. Check out the BLOG!

This is the rock jetty by the barge canal that we spend the most time fishing on when it’s not extremely windy. Don’t need a boat to get here. Dave thought he’d hooked a big one this day!

Another day fishing from the dock at Froggies, a local bait shop right by the public boat launch. this was Dave’s first keeper, a 17” Sheepshead. Very good eating!

It’s a handy place to catch fish because you can clean them right here. There’s always and audience of pelicans looking for scraps.

These are both Brown Pelicans. The yellow headed one in the background is an adult. The brown headed one in the foreground is a juvenile.

The rest seem to wait patiently in the water….but the 2 young ones are creeping up on Dave from behind.

I still think there’s soemthing a bit creepy looking about these birds, that eye makes it look reptilian.

This one really thinks he’s special, looks like he expects to be hand fed….or he’s getting ready to steal whatever he can get that bill on.

That’s a “controlled burn” of a field just outside of town. It looks closer to our trailer than it is but it still stunk up the air that day.

My first time out fishing on the boat at the big jetty. We caught all 25 of our sheepshead here. There must be 1000s of them in the water because everyone out here was catching them.

A 38” Black drum, nice and healthy from the looks of it but way too big to eat. The smaller ones are quite tasty.

On the way back to Port O’Connor you could see this fire burning there. The smoke looked like a bomb had gone off.

We heard on the news that this was the result of 2 “controlled burns” in fields and thankfully the wind was blowing the smoke away from town. I hate to think what an out of control burn looks like.