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This weekend long event was apparently created to help raise funds to buy life saving equipment for the Fulton Volunteer Fire Department so I guess that’s a good thing. This is the Texas version of Oktoberfest. Check out the BLOG!

This huge tent was packed, we couldn’t believe the crowds here! This was the food end. We tried the fried oysters, $5 for about 5. They were OK but nothing special.

At the far end was the beer which was ridiculously expensive. Those mugs you see on the table were $12 first beer, you got to keep the mug and refill for $9. You can buy 24 cans of beer in Texas for just $13.

Raw oyster production line. At $1 each they were pretty pricey here but there were plenty of people eating them. I just couldn’t bring myself to try one….

The weather wasn’t particularly nice this day but if it was, the setting by the water and the marina would have been more picturesque.

This group of ladies was introduced as the Texas Gypsy’s …… interesting looking bunch aren’t they? They certainly had lots of belly to dance around :-)

The little boy in the black shirt managed to eat one oyster but the one in the white shirt got it in his mouth, screwed up his face, kinda gagged and then spit it out. I think that’s probably what I’d do.