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Here’s a few pictures of our catches of the day and few others from around the area. Check out the BLOG!

Crazy boondockers on Magnolia Beach on Easter weekend not far from Port O’Connor. No thanks! We tried beach camping last year but wind and sand don’t mix!

Oh yeah, we had a small flood when the fresh water intake valve on our toilet blew while we were out. Thankfully no damage and it did force Dave to clean out our storage compartment which it needed anyways.

This was taken at the dock where we caught all the sheepshead. The heron was patiently waiting for handouts.

Our first time fishing at dusk at the local fishing pier and I finally caught my first red fish which is why I’m smiling…the thumbs down is because I had to throw it back because it was 1” too short to keep, CRAP!

Answer - that good looking sea trout Dave’s holding! Our first trout catch of this stay and yes he’s a keeper. Good to eat but not our favourite.

Finally! My first keeper red fish and isn’t it a pretty one! Fun to catch too! They have to be between 20” and 28” to keep so this one’s about perfect eating size at 23"

Same day I caught that red fish I also caught this 3ft black drum on the jetty. Shocked the hell out of me when it hit, too big to keep though so he got sent out to sea.