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Our first day, first time seeing all the geysers and hot springs. Lots of wildlife around, especially buffalo. They also seem to like hanging out in the hot spring areas. A ranger told us that the sulpher in the steam helps kill parasites on them. Check out the BLOG!

First close up of a buffalo on the way into the park…..exciting but we didn’t know then, just how common they were in the park. They’re everywhere!

These little ground squirrels were everywhere along the river banks. Very heathly, chubby, little guy!

This boardwalk into the “Lower geyser basin” was our first opportunity to get out and see the geysers and hot springs. You're not supposed to leave the path for obvious reasons, you’re on unstable, volcanic ground!

But that doesn’t stop the animals from roaming around the hot springs….those white circular makrs are buffalo hoof prints. Sometimes they fall thru and get scalded….wonder if the bears appreaciate cooked meat?

First hot spring we saw, most are this beautiful blue colour and many are named some sort of blue related name. Not sure what this one was called.

Next stop, “Midway Geyser Basin”. This is the Grand Prismatic Spring which is apparently beautifully coloured but it’s rarely seen from the boardwalk due to the prevailing winds blowing steam directly at you.

If you look closely, in the top left, you can just barely see people on a look out. Walking thru the steam created by all the hot springs was like being in a sauna. Very warm and humid, nice way to warm up on a cool day.

Actually it’s a currenly dormant geyser. Last eruption happended in 1985. It’s somewhat creepy walking by these things knowing they could blow up like that again at any time. You just never know!

And it’s worth watching now. As we were walking around we noticed it erupted about every 10-15 minutes.

This is the Black Sand Basin. The Cliff Geyser (in the back along the river bank) is just starting to erupt

You can tell just how these springs are all burnt and toasted trees..nothing lives in that water except some minute organisms that create some of the colours you see.

Obviously one of the most popular attractions in the entire park…. look at the extensive seating/viewing area they have set up around it. Full when we were there.

Curiosity finally got the better of him, he just had to feel how hot the Old Faithful run off was….not very. Just warm here.

This is the Aurum Geyser, only erupts every 2.5 - 5 hours and they don’t show when the last eruption was. Lucky us, we walked by just as it erupted.

All finished, you’d never know that plain looking hole in the ground could put on such a stunning display.