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If you’re ever travelling thru Northern, ON, check out this park for a few days and go hike up to the top of the giant. Amazing views! Check out the BLOG!

The campground within the park was on Marie Louise Lake, a lake within the peninsula that juts out in to Lake Superior.

If we come back, we’d prefer to be at one of these huge sites right on the water… could fit 3 of our trailers on this site. I’m sure they get booked up early though.

Great view of the Giant from Marie Louise Lake. You can clearly see the head on the right, chest in the middle and then the legs. We hiked up to the top via the trail that goes up it’s feet.

A closer view of the sleeping giant from the Sea Lion. It’s the rock formation sticking out into Superior in the bottom right. This was at the beginning of our 24K return bike/hike.

A look back at T-Harbor… can see why they named it that when you see it from the top of the giant.