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A little known Canadian National Park, on the Manitoba escarpment. Glad someone told us about it because it’s a great place to relax and enjoy the water. Check out the BLOG!

In one section of the park they had these Otenticks for rent. They’re described as a spacious blend of tent and A-frame cabin equipped with beds and furniture on a raised floor. BBQ too!

Main beach on Clear Lake in Wasagaming. Took this pic in the morning before the crowds came in the afternoon.

Looks beautiful but there were signs warming of swimmer’s itch. It’s a duck parasite that burrows into your skin, then dies when it figures out you’re not a duck. Leaves you with a red, nasty, bumpy rash.

On the far side of the lake we found this smaller swimming spot in a picnic area that didn’t have a great beach but the water was great. Perfect spot to come back and try out the paddle board.

Infortunately the days we came back, the water wasn’t nearly as calm so it really tested our balance.