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We were looking forward to camping this close to the beach but Mother Nature didn’t cooperate. Instead of lying on the sand, we ended up eating way too much of it…ugh! Check out the BLOG!

The quickest way to get to Port Aransas from the north is via the FREE ferry. Took all of 5 minutes to get across.

Our site at the I.B. Magee county park. The beach is just the other side of that sand dune in the background.

The beach road, it goes on for miles, following the shoreline. Free camping all the way along it once you get out of the county park.

The mountains of seaweed were everywhere, even here on Padre Island. And it this was at the beginning of the week, must have been a real stinky mess later on.

Still at the beach in Padre Island. It would be gorgeous here sans the seaweed. What it going to smell like when all that vegetation starts to rot in the heat?

This what the “beach” looked like right where we were camped by the end of the week. Not very appealing is it?

Last full day here, a wicked storm system went thru. Spawned tornadoes in towns that were too close for comfort. On the plus side, it washed a lot of the salt and sand off the trailer.