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This 18K round trip hike was a combination of few hikes. Started out with great weather but by the end of the hike the weather changed for the worse and the temperature dropped significantly. Thought for sure it was going to pour on us but Mother Nature gave us a break. Check out the BLOG!

Picture perfect, very Canadian view of Mount Fairview from Lake Louise. That middle peak is the one we hiked up to a few days ago.

On the way, we kept hearing what sounded like thunder but it was snow/ice falling. Dave really wanted to see it happening but by the time you hear it, it’s already too late, it’s fallen.

Supremely lucky shot here….we were closr to the glaciers and I caught snow/ice staring to fall. See that little bit of white just above Dave’s head?

And it’s almost down. Loud crash to be heard after the fact, very happy to have actually witnessed it!

Our lunch spot, from here we had a good view of the glaciers (opposite direction) but we never say any more snow fall like we did on the hike here.

This grouse of some kind was walking down the trail with a group of about 5 hikers. It wasn’t afraid of us at all.

A little shelter on the top. As you can see by the sky it looks like it was pouring across the way, thought for sure it was going to hit us but we lucked out, it only sprinkled.