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This place is right across from a big subdivision in western Albuquerque. It protects one of the largest petrogylph sites in North America, featuring designs and symbols carved into volcanic rocks by Native Americans and Spanish Settlers 400 to 700 years ago. Check out the BLOG!

This is the Riconada Canyon. You had to walk the 2.2 mile trail slowly so you could try to spot the petroglyphs on the basalt rocks that cover the hillside.

As you can see there are LOTS of rocks and depending on the light, the petroglyphs either jumped out at you, or you really had to look for them. I’m sure we missed plenty.

No idea why this particular lizard had a blue tail. All the other lizards were the same colour as the rocks and the dirt.

I think this horned serpent is associated with water. The little character in the background could be some sort of spirit being?