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This was on the bucket list but we were both oddly disappointed with it. Just knowing so much had been reconstructed took away some of the awe and mystery of the place. Not as authentic as I’d hoped but still worth visiting. Check out the BLOG!

It means “green table” in spanish. The park protects nearly 5,000 known archaeological sites, including 600 cliff dwellings. These sites are some of the most notable and best preserved in the USA.

The 8 mile (approx) drive from the park entrance to here is a white knuckled, twisting and turning drive along sheer drop offs. Not our favourite thing and there’s 7 more miles of it, just to get to the visitors centre! CRAP!

First look at cliff palace. It’s another 8 mile drive to here from the visitors centre. The only way to it is via a guided ranger tour, $3/each for 1 hour

In the ruins…but I use the word ruin loosely because most of it has been reconstructed compared to the state it was originally found it. That kinda put a damper on the whole experience for us.

The size of it is still very impressive and our ranger, a native American himself gave us quite an interesting, spiritual perspective on what life must have been like here.