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This area is great for anyone like us who loves nature and the outdoors. Water, beach, birds and fish….we’ll be back again for sure! Check out the BLOG!

Our site. Not waterfront but most of the time we were here the park was 3/4 empty so we had a clear view of the Colorado River.

When we weren’t fishing there were miles of beach to walk and ride on. This day was beautiful, warm and not windy until we turned around to come back, painful!

Not all our beach walks were as picturesque as the previous 2 pics. About half our time here it was overcast, foggy and drizzly like this. The rough water washes up a lot of garbage. We humans really need to smarten up!

This flock of white pelicans live in the river across from the campground. They’re huge birds, very different from the ones we saw in Florida