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In the middle of the Chihuahan desert of the Guadalupe Mountains is another world. If it weren’t for the 1000’s of bats that fly out of the caverns en mass at night, it might never have been discovered. It’s well worth exploring if you’re ever in that part of the world. Check out the BLOG!

I was intrigued by this flowering cactus. I’d never seen it before and it was everywhere in the park. The largest were 2x taller than me and VERY thorny. A park ranger told me it’s called Ocotillo.

Walnut canyon, we thought the landscape all looked burnt and we were right. A prescribed burn was done last year to protect the area from a raging wildfire.

This is the amphitheatre at the natural entrance to the cavern. It’s the seating to watch all the bats fly out at dusk.

I hope you can read this….we weren’t allowed in the bat cave, but based on the smell, wasn’t really disappointed about that.

No pictures can convey how impressive this part of the cavern is. Wow was all I say when I got my first glipse of it.

When you think about how many years it takes to create these formations, drop, by drop, by drop it’s mind boggling!