Crossed the border into the US on Oct 17th, made a quick overnight stop in Lansing Michigan and then headed to Elkhart, Indiana. This town is where most of the RVs in North America are made so there’s lots of good places to buy RV stuff. In fact, the main reason we came here again was to pick up a Onan generatorfor our trailer. It’s a lot cheaper to buy it here than in Canada.
Unfortunately, the distributor we bought it from was too busy to mount & install it for us so Dave spent 2 days, mostly on his back, mounting it in the front of the trailer. Nit picky work because he had to drill holes in metal in exactly the right place and of course they were just a tiny bit off, despite all his measuring. That meant moving the 175 lb thing a lot and that was a 2 person job. You’ll see from the picture below that the work area is in a backbreakingly awkward place. That big green thing is the generator.

We were headed for Cumberland Gap National Park, located where Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia intersect. Since that was an 8 hour drive from Elkhart, we made a pit stop in Rising Sun, IN which was about halfway.
Stayed at a place called Little farm on the river RV resort and campground. Sounded good, in the country, right on the Ohio River. They told me on the phone when I booked to be prepared for trick or treaters on Saturday night because they were celebrating Hallowe’en. Hmmm...that means lots of kids but we really didn’t have many other options so we took it.
Holy crap! The place was booked solid when we got there and there were kids everywhere!!!! The sites were really close together and with all the kids running around, it was loud and of course lots of screaming. Just what a childless by choice couple like us seeks out when we travel so it was just purrrrrrrfect! :-)
There were easily a 150 kids who were going to be trick or treating so instead of spending a small fortune on candy for them and adding to their sugar highs, we spent it on us and went out for dinner in town. And, as luck would have it, there was a casino about a mile away where we killed some time and Dave, unfortunately lost some $$$...not me though, I was luckier!
Glad we got out of the campground and took the time to explore Rising sun because it was a surprisingly beautiful small town. Plus the weather was perfect for walking around, warm and mild, in the 70’s F.
Check out the pictures of the town.
When we got back to the campground at about 9:30 pm, the kids were in full sugar high mode. Screaming, screaming and more screaming....made me want to scream too!!! I think all the parents were numb to the chaos or more likely “self medicated” and having their own party.
So happy to be heading for Cumberland Gap National Park for some real camping!