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Spent 4 days exploring Ocean Springs and Biloxi, Mississippi. Weather was hot and sunny and it’s only March. Can’t imagine what it’s like here in the summer when the heat and humidity is constant. Check out the BLOG!

Sites are first come first serve, $16/night but only includes water and electricity. None are on the beach but there’s marshes all around. Unfortunately that meant lots of annoying no seeums.

These little fiddler crabs were all over the banks of the march, waving their big claws in the air…..

View back to the beaches of Biloxi, MS. It’s so flat here, easy to see how Katrina caused so much damage.

All along the Biloxi beaches, trees were damaged by Katrina and this multi dolphin sculpture is a great example of how they’ve made something beautiful of the stumps that were left.

The big Casinos (there’s 9 in Biloxi) all seemed to hold up to Katrina but just like across the road from the Hard Rock, there’s lots of parking lots in vacant land. What ever was there, is now long gone.

And there’s pleny of vacant/abandoned buildings like this one with big empty parking lots. Made it easy to find free places to park and then walk around.