We’re in Powassan! What exotic country is that in you might ask? Well it’s in Canada, Northern Ontario just south of North Bay, to be exact. What are we doing there? We’re house sitting until around Thanksgiving in mid October.

Our country chalet
Have we been to this part of the world before? Many, many times! Dave’s sister and brother live in the surrounding area so when the home owner contacted us about this opportunity, we were able to go check it out before we committed. Loved the property as soon as we saw it..... it’s rural, private, lots of acreage, beautiful gardens and a nice house. Those of you who know where we lived before our nomadic life began will understand why we were drawn to this place when you see the pictures.
To top it off, Wolf Lake (a small one) is only about a 10 minute bike ride away. It’s got a great little public access area, a nice, sandy beach and the water is the perfect temp for cooling off, especially this hot, humid summer! Too bad you sweat like a pig biking back to the house...it’s pretty much all uphill on the way back! Takes about an hour to canoe around the lake, some nice cottages/homes with sandy beaches. A leisurely trip vs. our almost 6 hour expedition on the South River a few weeks ago with Peg & Dennis and Stuart & Vanessa. Great outing but my arms were seriously just begging to fall off by the time we got back. OW!
And oh yeah, we have a 15 year old cat, Nina (she loves her belly rubs) to look after. She’s a sweet old thing! She must think we’re OK because so far, we’ve received 4 mouse “presents”!
Dave and I are also taking advantage of our time here to get back into a work out routine. Feels great and it’s nice to have the bowflex to use. Yes, we have our own portable gym in the trailer’s garage...gonna be great to have when we get back on the road. No excuses to slack off now.
So we’re just hoping that the fall continues to be as nice as this past spring and summer have been. The colors here should be beautiful and once the temperatures cool down a bit it’ll be great to get some hiking in.
Oh yeah, my sister-in-law (SIL) Peggy invited me and my other SIL Ruth to a girls only weekend in August with about 15 of her friends. What a blast that was...her friends are crazy! We stayed at Spirit Point Lodge, it’s in the northwest corner of Algonquin park, the perfect place to get a bunch of people together for the weekend. Check out their website and my pictures and you’ll see what I mean. Lots to keep you busy.
Just got back from our annual, labour day weekend, family reunion (Dave’s side) in Newmarket. Weather sucked (cold and rainy) but made the best of it and the sun did shine for a few hours on Saturday. We are all more than ready for it to be hot, humid and 30 C again! As usual, the gang had a good time, ate, drank and laughed lots. Pat, my SIL from Vancouver Island even surprised everyone by coming into town unannounced. As people arrived, they hid her in the comfort of Al & Gloria’s newest renovation....the most luxurious outhouse I’ve ever seen, just built for this occasion! When the unsuspecting person was given the outhouse tour and opened the “loo” door...there was Pat. She shocked the you know what out of a few people!! :-)
So here’s some pictures of our adventures this summer...enjoy!