Got back into Canada a couple of weeks ago and crossed the border at Port Huron/Sarnia with no problems. Customs didn’t even want to look in the trailer!
Since we’ve returned we’ve visited my Dad and helped him out around the house. Got in lots of practice window washing and believe it or not, I actually miss doing domestic chores like that and the sense of accomplishment when the job is done. I know, I know, traveling has warped me.
Stored the trailer at Dave’s brother Al’s place and got reorganized for life back in Ontario.
We’re currently house sitting in Waterloo, be here until Friday. Looking after a couple of dogs and a cat so very happy to be getting in our animal fix. It’s been quite a while since we’ve had dogs to walk. We miss that, but early this morning at 4:30 am, Odie the big gold retriever was desperate to get out for a bathroom break. No fenced in backyard to just let him out in, so stumbled around, got dressed to take him out for a walk in the dark in the park! Can’t say I miss that part quite so much :-) but gotta do what you gotta do, right!?
Sadie and Daisy (the cat) are really easy going and all three love attention, just what we like. The week here is going extremely fast, lots of appointments and socializing with friends and family in the area. If we didn’t get to see you this week, sorry! Maybe next time!!!

Have arranged an amazing place to stay for most of May and June....we’ll be hanging out at my friend Sue’s family cottage, in Grand Bend right on the beach on Lake Huron. Love it there! We’ll be earning our keep by providing “slave labour”....more window washing (I’m going to be a pro soon!) painting, yard work, etc so that the place in tip top shape for the prime rental season in July and August! But in between the chores, we should have lots of time to enjoy the lake and beach right outside the back door!
All we need now is some heat!!!!