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The weather we had in the keys was the best of the trip yet. Sunny, warm and very little rain. Check out the BLOG!

They had some nice waterfront sites with their own Tiki huts but too expensive for us. We were already paying $59/night for a basic site, they wanted another $15/night for waterfront

They had an great, big, heated pool though and the weather was gorgeous the week we were here so we were actually able to enjoy it every day!!!

This was our best fishing day yet in Marathon. Ended up catching 5 in total, this was the first one, a Cravelle Jack. Tasty!

This was one of 3 spanish mackerel we caught. Dave caught another a little bigger than this one and a much smaller one. Not the best tasting, kinda oily!

A friend told us that this was the nicest beach he’d ever been too....he must have been there in 1992 because it’s sure not the best one anymore. The proof is in the following pics