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Gators and crocs and birds and bugs...oh my! You gotta visit this place someday. Check out the BLOG!

They’re aquatic birds, they dive for their dinner and are really beautiful when they swim underwater.

Gators and black vultures just hanging out together....shows you just how close you can get to these guys on the trail.

They hang out so close to the boardwalk I could have kneeled down and touched this tempting to put Mikey on his back for a pic!

After the cold weather, all these guys were trying to do is get some heat to digest dinner from a few days ago.

Yup, I know you’re thinking it, this looks like a gator orgy and the huge guy on top looks really, really happy doesn’t he?

If you can read the plaque it talks about how periodic freezes help eliminate the non-native fish which will ultimately help native fish survive. The recent cold snap killed LOTS of them

Another victim of the cold...found this little guy in the sink in the women’s bathroom. Just in case he was still alive, we tried to warm him up by putting him in this black shoe in the sun but no luck. :-(

3 1/2 hr canoe trip with park ranger on 9 mile pond thru lots of mangroves. Everything was supplied and it was FREE! What a deal! All that white stuff in the water is Periphyton, explanation, next pic

This was Ranger Joyce, she was great. She let each canoe take the lead throughout the trip. You had to look for markers, without which you could easily get lost in all the mangroves..they all look the same.

We stayed at the Flamingo campground, right on Florida Bay for most of our stay in the Everglades. It’s about an hour drive from the park entrance.

Glad we went on this trail, hammocks are pockets of trees that grow in the higher elevations amongst the grassy flatlands

Even the native fish like these big (2-3ft) Tarpon died when they couldn’t find warmer water. They were floating all over the marina. Lets just say the park vultures will be getting really fat!!!

Our bike “ride” in muck to a beach. I use the word ride loosely because for the most part, we pushed them along this really slippery stuff.

And this is what we biked/walked for 2 hours for in such nice weather! Yes the sky, the water and the beach are the same lovely grey colour. Just “beautiful” don’t you think?