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Been keeping busy with family & friends while enjoying the awesome, hot summer in Ontario. We’re house sitting in Powassan, Northern, ON until mid October then heading off to the south western states for the winter. Check out the BLOG!

Had to get in a couple of games of horse shoes at Peg and Dennis’s annual tournament…we didn’t win but as usual, Dennis and his parter did!

Biked across the river to Hull, QC where I just had to position Mikey on the puck of this statue honouring Maurice “the rocket” Richard.

Saw this as we were about to start on another hike in the park. Probably about 4 to 5 ft long, nose to tail and it looked like it weighed 30ish pounds. Our research determined it’s what’s called a FISHER! Apparently rare!

Canoeing on the South River! Finally getting some use out of the inflatable canoe we bought in Alabama! No gators to worry about in these waters!

One of the back yard seating areas…they normally have a small above ground pool set up but they haven’t been home much this summer so they didn’t bother. Too bad, we would have loved having that available after a run!

Relaxing at Wolf Lake on one of those hot, humid days. It’s just a 15 minute bike ride from the house.

This is where the girls weekend in August was held. Great place, I highly recommend it! Check out their website

This is Dudley, 1 of the 4 legged camp mascots but most of the time we called him SPIT because that’s what we were going to roast him on if he didn’t stay out of the lodge and our food!

Mike’s got her secured, now all she has to do is get up the nerve to push herself off the seat. She was scared but excited, when she finally did it, she couldn’t stop smiling!