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Boy did we pick the perfect spring to spend here! One of the nicest and hottest on record. Doing the cleaning and painting at the cottage was actually enjoyable when you could take a break and hang out at the beach. Check out the BLOG!

The beach between the cottage and the wall (which only became visible after the sand was regraded by bulldozers after the winter) is PRIVATE!!!

Not one of the painting assignments but Dave and I couldn’t resist leaving a few surprises for Sue and Paul...we know how much they “love” the color PINK!!!

New bath houses and playground built at the end of the main drag. Helped them get the blue flag beach designation

Main beach view on July 1st long weekend, crazy busy, especially since it was so HOT! Didn’t even bother trying to walk down the wall to wall beach umbrellas to the main street.

Just behind the Oakwood golf course in Grand Bend there are some gorgeous cottages between it and the lake. This place was huge and is my fav...the only thing wrong with it is that it’s not lake front!