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We’ve been through New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia during our first week back on the road. Check out the BLOG!

Some old pics from the Skyline caverns...the beetle is now extinct. The first 7 they found died when they took them out of the cavern for research.

This was the only thing in the cavern we were allowed to touch, it’s a stalactite that broke off. It’s shiny from all the oils on peoples hands.

The crystal with the long piece hanging down is the world’s biggest Anthodite. It’s protected by a screen because they are very fragile.

Closer view of another patch of anthrodites, they’re 6 sided crystals that form in a vacuum...that’s why they’re so rare.

Start of the White oaks canyon hike....and yes that’s snow..crap! Left over from a few days prior when they closed the Skyline drive .

View at the end of the hike was amazing and the day was hot and sunny! A nice fellow hiker offered to take our pic.

Staying a week at the Bethpage (great name if I do say so myself) resort in the small town of Urbanna, VA on the east coast.