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We did nothing “spacey” on the space coast when we were there for 16 days over the Holidays. Had too much fun fishing, walking the beach and just hanging out in the area. Check out the BLOG!

This is the Disney “Magic” cruise ship...the thing was huge!! As they come down the channel, it looks like they’re on land when you see them from the beach.

Can you see the big TV screen in front of the stack on the right? The dolphins played in the waves of this boat every time it went out, fun to see them jumping around like that!

Our friend Heidi didn’t have any luck but we still had fun hanging out on the pier and watching the cruise ships go by...that is until it got way too cold to be out.

Next time we went out, only caught these little guys. They’re sneaky bastards, they eat a lot of bait before you can snag one

One of the many local fisherman...and boy are they aggressive. Some steal fish right off the line as they’re being reeled in and then they have to be reeled in to have the hooks removed from their bills

could hardly believe it! One day while we were fishing.... this is one of 2 manatees that swam right under the pier

Hanging out on the beach one sunny but cool day with our friends Heidi and Dave from BC. Crazy daughter Kim was surfing and freezing!

Our second sub....before this one went out, the coast guard escorted in all the fishing boats in the vicinity.

My Christmas morning greeter! He grabbed my ankle and scared the crap out of me. Lucky I didn’t step on him!

Even though Barbara Eden only filmed one episode in Cocoa Beach, It’s a point of pride that the show was based here and that it was her home when she wasn’t living in the bottle.