We stayed at this HUGE RV park in Sarasota for a week but the only reason we picked it was because it was only a 10 minute drive out to the millionaire’s condo on Lido Key where Dave’s family were staying. 7 of them came down to help celebrate Pat’s 60th birthday and we surprised her by also showing up. She thought we were already in Costa Rica!
Glad we were able to hang out by the pool and beach every day because most of them were HOT! It was deadly in the RV park where once again, the RVs were jammed in and when there was no breeze....lets just say we were dripping. Again, I know so many of you feel so sorry for us! :-)

Nice to catch up with family and get out of the trailer for a while. Had some good scrabble games, drank and talked lots, ate some excellent meals both out and home cooked! Some of us did a lot of shopping but not me, no where to put anything! :-(
I even finally got in the ocean and played in the waves because it was so hot! The water was perfect, about 78 F.
We’ve spent the past 2 days at Lake Louise State park in Orlando, it’s more our style...space between sites and some privacy! Lots of nature to see here, last night we saw a HUGE, diamond back rattler at the side of the road. A couple in a car had stopped to take a picture and they got a great one that they’re going to send us. By the time I got my camera out, it had slithered back into the bush, it had to be 5-7 ft long. Again, makes biking around here a bit of a scary experience! Gotta pay attention to the side of the road for sticks that might be moving!
(first person switch....Dave is typing this)
We also discovered that the mounds of sand close to the side of the road (kinda like groundhog holes) were the home of tortoises (torti??!! ;-). On one bike ride we saw one a good 20 feet from it’s hole, so BA came to a stop and “whipped” out her camera just in time to see that it was already down the hole.....uhhhh.....this was a tortoise right???....my guess is that BA would not have survived the old wild west when a fast draw was very important. (actually it did move very fast, I would not have believed they could move as quickly as that one did.....maybe it had some “hare” in it.)
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Tomorrow, April 14 we head for Costa Rica so look for those updates soon!