So the hamstring injury has put us about 2 weeks behind schedule so we only spent 2 nights in Mississippi on our way out west. Good thing because some 4 legged (we hope) creature has a shoe fetish! I kid you not!
We stopped at the Roosevelt State Park (nice campsites!) just outside of Jackson Mississippi and the first night we were there, we crashed early....had to recover from Alabama....Michelle, I only had 1 Miller Lite today,, no wine....I think I’m in about you :-)
Then something strange happened.....
At about 12:30 am, got up to pee and noticed on my return to the trailer, that one of Dave’s shoes was missing. It’s late, I’m tired so I looked around a bit and thought that’s weird, who/what would take 1 shoe? But, I left mine out there anyways. Dave gets up a few hours later, notices that one of his sandals and one of my sandals is missing. He thinks maybe I meant to put a pair of them away but take one of each know, she’s really tired, she’s done stranger things before! He’s at least alert enough to put both of his other new sandals in the trailer. I get up a few hours after that to find that both my sandals are missing! CRAP! I only bought this pair of REEF flip flops (the ones with the secret hiding compartment Michelle!) about 3 weeks ago and they were perfectly broken in. PISS ME OFF!

At first you think maybe some 2 legged creature is playing a stupid joke on you but who has the energy to do that through the night??? Talked to a lady the next morning and told her the story and she mentioned that they’d seen 3 stray dogs roaming around in the middle of the night so we’re guessing they were the culprits. Not sure why our particular shoes got targeted....must have smelled especially fragrant to these dogs I guess???
So I hope the critter that took them, enjoyed them....they’re probably now in a million pieces somewhere in the Mississippi woods. Thought they’d come back for the remaining stinky sandal of Dave’ the next night, but no, they left least this butterfly appreciated it!