We left the Costa Rica rainy season only to arrive back into a very soggy Orlando. Trip back was uneventful despite the major weather system in Florida. All our stuff was just as we’d left it (YAY!) and the weather gods actually gave us a bit of break and let us get set up in the campground in drizzle vs. torrential rain.

Got reorganized and spent one day at Epcot in Disney. I know a lot of people really enjoy going to these theme parks but we found for the money, we paid it was a HUGE disappointment....sorry Linda :-(

The cost:
$150 - 2 entry tickets
$12 - parking
$60 - lunch
$13 - 2 more beer
$6 - Toll
$241 total for a few decent rides (mission space, GM test track) that were way too short and some really bad rides that were thankfully short! Because it wasn’t that busy, we didn’t have to wait long in lines, good thing or I think Dave would have lost his mind...and I wouldn’t have been far behind! The rest of the park was basically a bunch of gift shops and restaurants from various countries all wanting you to spend even more money. We really don’t get the appeal?? I’d rather go to those countries than walk around their pavillions pretending we were actually there.
So after that let down, we decided not to spend the same amount of $$ to go to the Disney animal kingdom. Instead we’ll wait to see them on a real African Safari.

By the time we left the Orlando area on Friday, some areas, especially around Daytona Beach had received about 17 inches of rain in just a few days and it was still unsettled. Although they needed the rain, just about everyone, including the birds were tired of being wet and was trying to dry out!
Hoping to escape this storm system by moving further north!