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The island is beautiful! Check out the BLOG!

Niagara Falls at Goldstream Provincal Park. Just a bit of a let down after the falls we hiked to in Washington...and couldn’t they have named it after some other falls??? This was a nice little clear pool at the bottom.

This stream is loaded each fall with spawning salmon and people come from all over to watch the event.

This should give you an idea of how big it actually is. This was the oldest and largest one at 800 years

Oceanside hike with Kent, Jac and the girls. Abby has got a bum front leg and can’t hike for very long so Jac backpacks her and Abby loves it! She goes for hours like this.

Maggie, the mountain goat dog ...also known as Eagle bait. She almost got scooped up by one a few years ago while on a hike.

The ruins of a lodge they were going to never happened but the massive stone chimney still stands

This picture doesn’t do this scene any justice, there are 3 falls and some big potholes down there. Lots of brave people swimming in them too!