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Ice in August and lots of it. Some of the most unique scenery we’ve ever seen and only a short distance from the town of Jasper AB. This was an awesome half day hike. Check out the BLOG!

Mt Edith Cavell - named in honor of a British nurse who refused to leave her post at a German Hospital when WW1 broke out. She cared for wounded on both sides, was arrested as a spy and executed by Firing squad in 1915.

That’s the Cavell Glacier and the Cavell pond that it’s melting into. Just up and to the right is the Angel Glacier, you can see it in the next pic.

That big hunk of ice with wings is the angel glacier. When I was sitting in that spot in the earlier picture, chunks of ice were breaking off the angel and disintegrating ....very creepy noise.

Mom Hoary Marmot. She was supervising some young ones that were running around at the beginning of the hike

Another view of the pond, from here you could clearly see that what looks like rings around the edge of the glacier are really big cracks. Hunks of ice could let go at any time.