AGREED! Posted at the local marina! They love their crabs here
Spent the past 2 weeks at the beach in Huntington Beach State Park, Murrell’s Inlet, South Carolina. The weather has been perfect! Sunny every day, highs ranging from the high 50’sF to the high 70’s. In fact, today it was about 80! Compared to the cold, dreary weather we experienced last year coming down the east coast, this has been glorious!
This is our second stay at this park, decided to come back because we enjoyed it so much last year (see previous BLOG and pics) and it’s right on the beach. Since we had all our fishing stuff from Florida last year, we got a 2 week license for SC and spent most of our time here trying, and trying and trying and trying to catch fish. As you might have guessed, we didn’t have much luck but we did get to spend many hours outside in the sun and on the beach which is way better than being stuck in an office!
My biggest catch was a 13 inch flounder, they have to be 14 inches to keep so had to set him free. Dave’s biggest was a 21 inch Black Drum, the only keeper but it did feed us for 2 nights! Caught a few other interesting small fish including one “affectionately” called the mother-in-law fish by the locals...any guesses why? You’ll understand when you see its picture :-)
A couple of days while we were fishing, we were entertained by dolphins which is always fun. One afternoon, a couple of them gave me an up close and personal show, must have been a school of fish right in front of me because the dolphins were really active. Right then, I actually caught a fish! I swear it jumped on my line to avoid becoming dolphin chow and it knew I’d have to throw it back in because it was too small to keep!
Oh yeah, fire ants are VERY appropriately named! I know that now because I stepped on one of their hills in flip flops and they were all over my foot in a flash...and their bites burn!!! Holy crap!!! Thank God I got them off before they could travel further up my leg but I felt creep crawly for the rest of the day. My foot itched for days after being bitten and then some of the bites even blistered. So I now have a healthy respect (or should I say fear) of the tiny little bastards! Hate them!
Tomorrow we’re heading further south, to Fort McAllister state park just south of Savannah, Georgia. I’m sure it’ll be packed since it’s the US Thanksgiving holiday weekend and in the south, campgrounds are always fully booked then. Just staying there for 5 days then we’re off to Florida where we hope it just continues to stay sunny and warm.
Check out our pictures from the beach!