Under the falls - Misty and drizzly so not the greatest picture taking weather but refreshing.
So after a week of getting reacquainted with the house and property, we took our first road trip yesterday. When we woke up, there wasn’t a single cloud over the volcanoes across the valley so we decided to go to the La Paz Waterfalls, near the Poas volcano. No clouds are good, it means you might actually get to see something!
Last year we managed to get a peak at the Poas volcano (if you’re interested take a look at the pictures in the Costa Rica album) but the waterfalls were closed due to all the damage done by the 6.2 magnitude earthquake that hit that area hard on Jan 8 2009. Even now, there are parts of the park that are not accessible to tourists.
The drive there really opened our eyes to the damage that was done in the quake, even now, the road it’s on is “interesting” driving. Only one lane wide in spots, full of potholes and some pretty flimsy guardrails (you’ll see what I mean in the pics) but you know it’s way better than it was a year ago....and things don’t get fixed fast here.
Anyways, glad we went despite the fact that it was kinda touristy and expensive for what was there. Saw some interesting birds, reptiles, frogs and animals (in small cages though...we’re not really fans of that) There were little bits of the trails to the waterfalls open so got in some exercise and managed to see 2 of the falls.....in of course cloud (what a surprise, it rolled in after lunch). The body forgets what it’s like to do elevation in the heat and humidity...sweaty! Still acclimatizing to to weather and I think it’s going to take another couple of weeks before we do. In the meantime, doing lots of laundry!!!!