After a bit of a shaky start (really bad weather and some nasty turbulence), the flight from Orlando to San Jose, Costa Rica was uneventful and only 45 minutes late.

We had never met or talked to the people who’s house we’re looking after until today, lots of emails back and forth so it was nice to finally meet Mike and Andee (in the pic above). They were so gracious, made us feel right at home and immediately took us out to lunch to relax and get to know each other a bit more.

When they took us to see the house, we were blown away by how big it was! Isn’t it huge? And what a view! (pics above) If you believe that then boy would the real estate agents in Costa Rica love to sell you a place on the beach! :-)
Actually that is a pic of Mike and Andee, but the big white house...well it’s a hotel/casino/spa called the White House ( just up the mountain from them. They took us there during one of the tours of the area.
This is their house and believe us, it’s very nice! Amazing mountain views. Not sure my pictures can do it justice but here’s a few to give you some perspective on our location.


Deck view - left

Deck view - centre, that’s San Jose below and volcanoes in the background

Deck view - right

Back and side yard - the stairs lead up to the deck