OH MY GOD! It’s a very hairy, large spider in the KITCHEN!
Big hairy spiders....the things that creep me out the most...I almost stepped on this when I went into the kitchen last night! OMG I’m pretty sure it was a tarantula and I was bare foot!!!!! The thought of it contacting the bottom of my foot still makes me shudder!
Dave had to rescue me and it, he covered it with a cup, slid a piece of paper underneath it and deposited it outside! It wasn’t a huge one but about 2 inches long (that’s big enough!) including it’s legs. Walking around in the house since then, especially in the dark last night was creepy. Even in bed last night I imagined it crawling on me......uuuuugggghhh!

Then this afternoon, this little gecko, who’s been around the house in various locations while we’ve been here, has decided that our bedroom is a good place to be. We keep seeing him run under the bed but then I saw him run up the bedskirt and try to get IN the bed...little bugger. Snapped this pic of him, he thought he was hiding from me but not so much. After that though, he ran up and under the comforter...crap! These little suckers are almost impossible to catch.
Needless to say we’re checking the bed good tonight before we get in....glad the spider only showed itself at the end of our stay here vs. the beginning. We leave on Tuesday to head back for Orlando and I’d like to keep our remaining days here, spider free.
Afternoon update - Rocky the cat caught the gecko! I managed to save it but it’s tail was a stub and it was missing a leg. I managed to get him outside alive and he was moving around so I hope he lives long enough to regenerate his body parts!