So today marks the end of the first week of official house sitting. So far so good, here’s what we’ve been up to.
We ventured out to the San Jose market again with Kenny & Nonnette (some local Californians we were introduced to). This time we picked up some fresh shrimp and fish. Then they took us to the Super it’s not a electronics store but an Asian food market. Grace you would have loved it! Picked up a bunch of good stuff there, made Shrimp Chow Mein a couple of nights ago.
Also made it to the Pricemart (Costa Rican equivalent to Costco/Price Club) with Mike’s membership card. Managed to pick up food and booze with no questions asked Good thing Mike’s picture on the ID is fuzzy and that both he and Dave have beards.
Successfully paid some of the bills Mike asked us to handle at the local drugstore. Yes that’s where you pay bills here!
They have a maid that comes twice a week, she doesn’t speak or understand much English, ditto for us on the Spanish but we’ve managed to communicate somehow and we’ve figured out the payment system.
Trying to stick to the routine they have set up for their cat, Rocky but just when we think we’ve finally gotten on his good side, he’s hissing at us like he’s never seen us before. I actually have to pick him up from his closet cubby hole in the morning and take him to his food or he’d stay there all day! He gives me a few hisses during the carry but then 2 seconds later, he’s on the counter giving me head butts and purring. He knows he has to be nice to get his special treats.
We’ve occasionally “lost” him in the house (it’s 6,000 sq. ft) so lots of hiding places. Turns out that he goes to bed...literally! He gets right under the comforter on the spare bed. He doesn’t like to be disturbed from this location as Dave found out yesterday when Rocky lunged at him. Nothing serious but makes you think twice reaching out to pet him there.
Rocky really is a nice cat, but as mentioned, he seems to have a bit of a split personality or maybe he’s just in a funk because Mike and Andee are gone. We’re up for the challenge though and I’m sure we’ll have him figured out before we leave
He’s gorgeous boy isn’t he? And yes, I am brushing him as much as he allows me to! Gotta keep that mane looking nice!

Brian C, this next picture is just for you. We know how much you trust the recycling system at home, apparently someone in Costa Rica feels exactly the same way! The infrastructure to recycle here doesn’t exist yet but they’re working on it. This comic was in today’s Tico Time’s newspaper! :-)