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Took some pictures as we walked around the neighbourhood one day. Thought you might like to see what the not so touristy part of Costa Rica looks like. This is Escazu, one of the better areas of San Jose. Check out the BLOG!

Road just outside the house, it’s part way up the mountain so the first part of the walk is easy, down hill all the way.

Nice property that you could actually see thru the gates. This is more the exception than the rule, most of the big places have solid walls and gates for security.

Another nice neighbourhood, we could tell by the sidewalks. Only the better ones have sidewalks, this one even had them on both sides of the road.

A wider view of the German Embassy’s property, small guard house just behind the gate house for added security.

This is it, the Fischel drugstore where we paid Mike’s utility bill. Odd place to pay bills but that’s how it works here. Took about 35 minutes to walk here from the house.

Just a little more security here than at the German Embassy You can’t just drive over those posts, they gotta let you in. Everything around it is solid so you can see in at all!

Laly’s….this is where we had lunch. Wouldn’t go in there in a million years based on it’s curb appeal but we’d been there before with Mike and Andee and it’s good, cheap, local food.

Walking back up the mountain. This is the road we “live” on. All the pics from now on are places we pass between here and “our place”.

On the left is the brand new and I’m sure very expensive Mormon Church, notice the sidewalk in front of it vs. on the right where the local house are, no sidewalk there.

Lots of places like this with solid walls and gates, based on their security, we can olnly assume these are really nice places.

This street is a real mix of houses, at one extreme little shacks like this…they’re the only ones without fences around their property.