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The Hunting Island beach is beautiful. Great for walking, hanging out in twisted downed trees, finding sand dollars but crappy fishing! Check out the BLOG!

We were bundled up good for our first few walks on the beach in early Feb. Just enough sand left to get back to the campground.

Lots of kids were in the water….still way too cold for us although Dave was seriously considering it this day.

When the tide went out at the north end of the beach you could walk for miles. Just had to make sure you got back before it came in.

I did most of my walks in barefeet and this ripply sand was hard to cross. Actually bruised my feet because it was so hard.

This slimy looking thing is a toad fish. Not sure why but one morning found it somehow crawling away from the surf. Wasn’t going to touch it to turn it around either.

Tide was way out this day but damm it was windy….as evidenced by the fact that Dave’s foot has disappeared into the blowing sand.

This was everything I collected during my walks in Feb. Most sand dollars ever. Have since preserved them in glue and water….now I just have to figure out what to do with them???

Unusable. The owners can’t get to it (obviously!) so it’s just getting beaten down by mother nature.